We hope possibly to see next generation of our flying birds – an electrical plane. In order to fill the day with all ”Säve events” we ask you to land latest at 10 am.

If you want to stay overnite Airport hotel Nolvik is right across the airport entrance.
There are 2 sides of the airport. One with almost everything (Aeroklubben, parking, fuel station with Jet A1 + UL91/96, hotel, windtunnel, and on the other side just the Aeromuseum. It is not possible to walk from one side to the other and the best is to taxi with planes to the other side. By car it is easy to go around the whole airport to the museum parking.
Airport info: PPR at www.saveflygplats.com. Fuel: Jel A1 – 100LL (mangaged by the airport) Payment with normal creditcards. UL 91/96 (managed by Aeroklubben) Parking: On airport side: free for 4 hours. On museum side: included i entry ticket price. Museum ticket: 120 Sek. https://www.aeroseum.se/
Lodging: Nolvik Airport Hotel (close to airport). No Restaurant on weekends. 688 Sek/night. Book: www.foremean.com. Phone +46 812074300
Program Saturday June 19th:
1000 Welcom coffe at Aeroklubben
1045 Presentation of the Pipistrel Velis (with or without the plane itself)
1200 Lunch at Aeroklubben
1330 Taxiing to Aeroseum side (Refuel before changing side!) or Bodyflight (book individually)
1400 Aeromuseum visit or Bodyflight (book individually)
1700 Departure from Säve
Registrate by sending a mail including : Name – From – Aircraft – Email – Phone To
Christer Wretlind +46703777212 christer@stockbygarden.se